Ch.Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan ShCM (Isla) - Skye Terrier: 6 CC's 8 RCC's
(Emoticon Kiaora Glorfindel x Ch. Bhuidh Sojourners Truth at Glorfindel)
Isla came to live with us in July 2014. She was bred by Gail Marshall who also bred Badger and fitted in at Kilfinan immediately. Badger wasn't too impressed at first but has now accepted he has no choice! The Beardies all accepted her immediately (as they do) and she has become good friends with Scarlett , unfortunately too good as she has stripped Scarletts head of hair rendering her bald! As Scarlett now looks like a lurcher it has put paid to her showing days for the time being which was a shame as she had qualified for the Welsh Top Junior competition.
Isla is a typical cheeky , feisty, bossy little Skye madam who is also sweet and cuddly ( when she is asleep!). We love her to bits and she is developing into a lovely example of the breed. We can't thank Gail enough for allowing her to join us.
Isla at 6 weeks
Isla 5 months
Isla 8 months
Isla at 3 years old