Ch. Osmart Lizzie's Country Lass with Kilfinan ( Lass) 3 CC's. 1 RCC
(Ch. Kilfinan Countryman x Ch Osmart Storm's Blue Muslin)
Lass was a showgirl, she entered the ring looking for who was going to be 2nd! Even as a young puppy she looked the part but she had a stubborn side and if she decided she didn't want to cooperate there was nothing Tony could do to convince her . She gained her title in 11 weeks and one of the highlights of her career was when she won the Welsh Contest of Champions in 1998.To her last day , as a fragile 16 1/2 year old Lass still ruled us with a rod of iron and when Lass barked we leapt to her command!
Lass blessed us with a litter to Ch Wellknowe Craftsman, a dog who was by our all time favourite Ch. Wellknowe Crofter. We kept a dog, Scottie (Ir. Ch. Kilfinan Country Rover) and a bitch , Kitty ( Ir. Ch. Kilfinan Countrygirl).
Lass winning the Welsh Contest of Champions 1998
Judges: Margaret Everton and Michael Quinney.
Lass at 14 years old.
Well, would you argue with her?
Young Lass.
Why is Tony wearing odd shoes? And what has hapened to his hair?