We both started judging in 1994; Tony has judged 4 Bearded Collie Open Shows and Chris 3. We have both now given CC's 3 times and have judging appointments in 2018. Tony judged the Speciality in Norway in 2016; he also judged the Stakes Classes at the Canadian Bearded Collie Club in Vancouver in 2010 and the Bearded Collie Club of Germany Speciality in 2012. Chris judged the Bearded Collie Club of Germany Speciality in 2010.
We have an interest in many other breeds particularly Portuguese Water Dogs and Skye Terriers both of which we have owned . We have both judged Portuguese Water Dogs at Championship level without CC's; Chris has judged both breeds at their Breed Open shows in 2014 and Tony judged the PWD Club Open Show in 2015.
We have both judged Pastoral and Working Breeds at Group level at Open Shows .
We both enjoy judging and believe it is an honour to be invited and each appointment is a valuable learning experience.
Devon County Show 2015
Portuguese Water Dog Open show 2014
Left to Right: BIS, RBIS, BPIS, BVIS
Skye Terrier Open Show : 19.4.14
Left to right: BIS and RBIS
Left to Right : RBPIS and BPIS
Portuguese Water Dog Open show 2015