Breeders and exhibitors of Bearded Collies & Skye Terriers
Origins of Kilfinan
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Latest happenings at Kilfinan
Jinny and Flash' s puppies flying the nest 2014
Puppies - March 2012
Flash/Jinny Puppies
Puppies fly the nest.
First birthday!! 7.10.2011. Happy Birthday kids!
Can Ch Chetcote Dotties Dream of Kilfinan HIC
Can Ch Chetcote Renaissance for Kilfinan Ir Jun. Ch. (Madison) 1 RCC
Ch. Kilfinan Countryman JW(Shep) 4CC's 1 RCC
Ch. Osmart Lizzie's Country Lass with Kilfinan ( Lass) 3 CC's. 1 RCC
Ir./UKCh. Kilfinan Harvester (Finn) 3CC's
Ch. Kilfinan Farmers Boy (Fitz) 3 CC's 1 RCC
Ir. Ch. Kilfinan Farmers Girl (Tess) 1CC 4 RCC's
Ir. Ch. Kilfinan Country Girl ( Kitty) 2CC's 4 RCC's
Ir. Ch. Kilfinan Country Rover (Scottie)
Ch. Kilfinan Country Clover (Jinny) 3CC's 2RCC's
Kilfinan Blue Moon ( Patrick) 2 CC's 1 RCC
Kilfinan Country Gent (Boot)
Kilfinan Scott's Lass ( Maisie) 1CC
Kilfinan Country Colleen ShCM (Hettie) 1 CC
Kilfinan Shepherdess ( Nell) 1 CC
Kilfinan Country Knight ShCM (Flash)1CC 2RCC's
Ch. Kilfinan Country Lady JW ShCM( Fern) 5CC's 5 RCC's
Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM 6 RCC's
Glorfindel Secret Shadow at Kilfinan ShCM (Badger) Skye Terrier 1CC 3RCC's
Ch.Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan ShCM (Isla) - Skye Terrier: 6 CC's 8 RCC's
Kilfinan Ladybird JW - Clover(1CC; 1 Res CC)
CH Talraz Light Up The Skye For Kilfinan - Shadow (3CC' s & 1 Res CC)
Kilfinan Nightingail (Rhona) Skye Terrier (2CC 2ResCC)
Kilfinan Gail's Legacy at Jamalison Skye Terrier - Mack
Mack returned to Kilifnan from Jenny & Geoff for personal reasons

NEWS 2016

Darwen CS Open Show: 18.12.16

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 1st AVNSC Terrier Open

Isla wasn't really in the mood and Hettie had gone lame the day before but we still had a very pleasant day with some nice people . Thank you to our judge Mr. Mike Vincent ( Sylbeqc).

LKA : 10.12.16

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM: 1st Grad . and VHC P.Grad.

Kilfinan Country Colleen : Res. Open

Kilfinan Country Shadow at Elemark : Res. Limit

Pleased with Hal, Hettie and Shona , all went well in well filled classes . Thank you to Breed specialist Emma Bird ( Bridus). 

Bearded Collie Club Ch Show: 3.12.16

Ch. Kilfinan Country Lady JW ShCM : 1st Sp. Open

Always a popular show with parties , loads of food , some alcoholic beverage and many laughs. Pleased with Fern and Hettie went well , was pulled out in the cut but not placed today in  a large quality class. Thank you to judge Mrs. Angela Pedder ( Caldermist).

Southport and Birkdale Open show : 26.11.16

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan: 1st AVNSC Terrier Limit

Kilfinan Country Colleen : 1st Open , BOB and G2

Spent the day in good company which always helps make the show more enjoyable. Both Isla and Hettie stood alone in their classes but really pleased with their performance .  Thank you to our judges Mr. Mike Spencer ( Bannonbrig) who stood in for Mr  Frank Gadd as he wasn't well enought o continue with the Terriers and to Mr. Gary Clarke ( Claygar) who was most complimentary about all 3 Beardies shown today.

Midland Counties Ch Show: 30.10.16

Kilfinan Prince Hal: 1st Post Grad.

Ch. Kilfinan Country Lady JW ShCM : 3rd Open

Busy show with a good entry. Delighted with Hal winning the biggest class of the day. Also pleased with Fern who was in a quality class . Poor Hettie was in the same class but hampered by Chris , however she did put in a reasonable performance despite the hinderance! Many thanks to out judge Mrs. Britt - Marie Young ( Farouche)  for her awards today.

South Wales Ch Show : 8.10.16

Kilfinan Prince Hal : 2nd Post Grad.

Glorfindel Secret Shadow at Kilfinan ShCM : 3rd Open

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 1st Post Grad.

As the classes clashed Tony was showing Hal and Chris was showing Badger and Isla . Pleased with all the results, Hal was in his first PG class and Isla won out of hers . Thank you to both Judges , both breed specialists : Graham Atkins (Snikkles)  judging Beardies and Andy Hamilton (Shawrigg)  judging Skyes.  

Llandudno Open Show : 15.10.16

Kilfinan Country Colleen : 2nd Open

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : AVNSC Open : 1st, Best AVNSC Terrier and G2

Many thanks to Terrier judge Nicola Spencer ( Bannonbrig) .Pleased with Hettie  who went well, our judge today was Jeanette Days ( Dekdays) .

Clitheroe Open Show : 16.10.16

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 1st AVNSC Open , Best AVNSC Terrier and G4

Kilfinan Country Colleen : 2nd Open AVNSC Pastoral

Hettie went really well again today and the judge said she was the best Beardie she had seen in a long time . Thank you Julia Swann ( Swanndale). Thanks also to Terrier judge Graham Dowdy .

North of England Bearded Collie Club Open Show: 24.9.16

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM : 2nd PG and 1st Special PG

Kilfinan Country Colleen : 1st Open Bitch and BIS!!!! VHC Special Open

Enjoyed this show with some good company and great results. Hettie and Hal both seemed to enjoy the day also and had a great run around on the field adjoining the Hall ( always a bonus!).Our judge for the day was all rounder Mr. Mike Vincent ( Sylbeqc) with breed specialist Nicola Whelan ( Corimist)  judging the Special Awards. Many thanks to both .

Flint & Deeside Open Show: 29.8.16

Kilfinan Country Colleen : 1st Open, BOB and G3

Tony was flying solo with Hettie today as Isla was in season and Badger and Chris decided they wanted to go to Cheshire Game Fair to join two other Skyes and show the Public what great dogs they are. Tony said he was pleased with Hettie as she was in good competition and says thank you to the judge Mr. Joe Chorley (Lochrey).

27.8.16: Congratulations to Boot and Nicole for winning a fabulous 5 first prizes at the Dog Vegas KC Open Agility Show at the Winterton Showground and qualifying for Grade 3 . Very proud of these two!

Merioneth Agricultural Open Show: 24.8.16

Kilfinan Country Colleen : 1st Open, BOB and G1

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 1st Open , BOB and G4

What a lovely show! Scenery, weather and good company. What more can you ask for? Hettie hasn't been to a show for ages so we weren't sure how she would cope but after the initial shock she got on with the job and did us proud by winning a good Pastoral Group. Isla also went well and although there was only her in the Skye classes  she went well in a good Group with the winner of that Group going BIS. Many thanks to our judges Pastoral group : Mrs. M. Thomas (Shimani) and Terrier Group: Mrs. V. Williams-Wegmann (Essvana).

Welsh Kennel Club Ch Show: 20.8.16

DCC and BOB Ch. Potterdale Platinum Plus, BCC Kilfinan Country Lady JW ShCM, BP Pipadene I Believe In Marsby , RBCC Ch .Claudalla Jenny Wren JW

Kilfinan Country Lady JW ShCM: 1st Open and CC

Kilfinan Country Shadow at Elemark JW Sh CM : 2nd Limit Bitch

Kilfinan Country Bracken : Res. Limit Dog

Glorfindel Secret Shadow at Kilfinan ShCM : 1st Open and RCC

Glorfindel Shadow Wings : 1st PG

Wow again! What an end to a brilliant week as Fern took her 3rd CC and title at what was a very fitting show as she was born and raised in Wales and won the Welsh Top Puppy and Welsh Top Junior Competitions so to finish her title in her country of birth was the best! Whilst Tony was covering himself in glory I had the dubious task of handling Badger and Isla and despite me they too won well. The Gods must have been on our side today . Many , many thanks to Bearded Collie judge , all rounder Mr. Vic Salt (Woodlyn) and to one of our country's top judges Mrs. Zena Thorn Andrews ( Drakesleat) for  thinking so highly of Badger and isla , despite me and in quality company. Also our thanks go to Fran Richards and Dave Morrant for showing Shona and Casey and gaining their places in such good company.

Preston Open Show: 14.8.16

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM : 1st Open, BOB , G1 and BIS

Wow, what a weekend! Tony went solo and produced the goods  again . Absolutely thrilled and have to thank Steve Atkinson ( Hollinswell) for breed and BIS and Mike Vincent (Sylbeqc) for the Group . Note Isla was absent!  We are hoping she goes better outside!!!!

Bolton Open Show: 13.8.16

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM : 1st PG, BOB , G1 and BIS

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 2nd AVNSC Terrier Open

Great day in good company. Over the moon with Hal , he showed beautifully and got better as the day wore on . Many thanks to our judges Mark Williams (Kelmbri) , Cheryl Lockett( Cheryldene) and Irene Feely ( Ellaby). The less said about his kennelmate the better! "I will move one way dad but please don't expect me to return !"  Naughty Isla !!

Paignton Ch Show : 8.8.16

Kilfinan Country Lady JW ShCM : 2nd Open

As Tony was judging at Midshires Ch show the day before we only took Fern and she went paw perfect , delighted with her . Thanks to our judge Mrs. Cath Parker ( Osmart/Doubletop) for her award. Thanks to Linda Fox for the lovely photo of Fern in action.

Leeds Ch Show : 22.7.16

Kilfinan Country Lady JW ShCM: 2nd Open

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 1st PG and RCC

Glorfindel Secret Shadow at Kilfinan ShCM : 3rd Open

Really enjoyed this show , the setting at Harewood Hall is stunning and so was the weather . Relaxed and friendly. Fern nearly didn't make her class as the rings were as far apart as they could possibly be ! Thanks to judge Mark James (Waterley) for her lovely place in a quality class and  first time in Open and to  Stuart plane ( Stuane) for thinking so highly of Isla. Absolutely delighted with her today.

National Working & Pastoral Breeds Ch Show : 16.7.16

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM : 2nd Yearling

Lovely show in warm sunshine . Fern went well and was pulled out in the cut but went no further. Hal wasn't very happy in the breed ring but settled in the Stakes for his place in a big class. Thanks to our judges today Mrs. Kim Evans ( Treebeard) and Mr. Keith Derry ( Vistca) judging Stakes.

Newport Agricultural Open Show: 9.7.16

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : BOB and G2

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW : 1st PG, Best AVNSC Pastoral and G1

The showground was delightful but the weather was horrendous How we managed to keep Hal and Isla fit for the ring was beyond me but we did and they did us proud in dreadful conditions. Thanks to judges John Thirlwell ( Ferndel) for Hal's placings and to Moray Armstrong (Bitcon) for Isla's. We entered this show to try to achieve th final points for Hal's  ShCM so were delighted to get the one point needed and some extra. However not so delighted to discover when I double checked that he already had it!

Vale of Clwyd Open Show : 2.7.16

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW : 1st Open, BOB and 2nd Open Stakes

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 1st AVNSC Terrier Open

Nice day out at a local Open show with good friends  in the beautiful countryside surrounding Ruthin.  Hal was a little star but Isla decided she was not in a very cooperative mood and was very lucky to  win her class! Thanks to to judges Mr. Nigel Merrick ( Magicgem) for being so tolerant of Isla's lack of cooperation and to Mrs. Celia Vines ( Parvodene) for Hal's BOB and to Mr. David Bell ( Balintyne) for Hal's Stakes place.

18.6.16: Border Union Ch. Show

Kilfinan Country Lady JW ShCM : 1st Limit

The weather held fair and finally we were able to sit by the side of the ring to watch judging. Made such a difference and this is a lovely show with a super big well manicured ring . Fern showed beautifully but Flash, despite not putting a paw wrong didn't meet with the judge's approval today again. We still love the big old softy!  Thanks to our judge, breed specialist Mrs. Viv Stevens ( Whistbrae) for Fern's lovely win today which  now puts her out of Limit and in with the big girls in Open .

28.5.16: Welsh Northern Counties & Colwyn Bay CS Open Show

Kilfinan Prince Hal : 1st PG , BOB and G1

Thank you to judge Mark Wakeland for thinking so highly of Hal who performed well today.

29.5.16: Bath Ch. Show

Kilfinan Country Lady JW ShCM: 2nd Limit

What a beautiful day and a lovely showground. Our judge today was all rounder Mrs. Lynne Salt (Woodlyn) . Flash was also pulled out in the Open class but not placed today.

15.5.16: Chester City & County Open Show

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW: BOB and G1

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : Best AVNSC Terrier and G2

After a couple of weeks of not being placed very highly we had a good day out at this friendly spacious show with Hal and Isla both on good form and winning well. Had a few laughs and caught up with a number of friends. Thank you to our judge , all rounder Mr. Joe Smith ( Mowgli) for his awards today.

24.4.16: WELKS Ch Show

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 1st PG

Glorfindel Secret Shadow at Kilfinan ShCM: 3rd Open

Back to Malvern the following day with the Skyes, this time we were outside and we were a little worried about Isla on grass as she does like to inspect every blade before stepping on them however she went beautifully , surprising us both. Guess she prefers the outdoors! Badger also didn't disappoint so thank you to our judge Terrier specialist  Mr. Paul Eardley .

23.4.16:WELKS Ch Show

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW: 1st Yearling

Kilfinan Country lady JW Sh CM : 2nd Limit

Pleased with the performances today although Fern may have been happier outside rather than in one of the sheds . Many thanks to our  judge , Mr. Derek Smith ( Clickam ) fresh from judging BIS at Crufts but  who had been suffering with a virus so wasn't keen on being outside as it was a bit chilly and breezy . We did however have acres of space so no complaints on that score. Delighted with our placings today in a very big quality entry.

Skye Terrier Open Show: 16.4.16

Glorfindel Secret Shadow at Kilfinan ShCM: Res. Open and 2nd Stakes

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 1st PG and VHC Stakes

Lovely show with a friendly atmosphere and gorgeous dogs. Isla wasn't too happy with the ring ; there were black lines on it and she didn't approve! Pleased with Badger who went Ok despite being so proud of that tail! Great food! Thank you to our judge, Mr. Karl Ake Antonson (Silverprint) who was a breed specialist from Sweden.

2.4.16: National Terrier Ch. Show

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 2nd PG

Glorfindel Secret Shadow at Kilfinan ShCM: 3rd Open

Really enjoyed the show today, love being among the Skyes. Badger and Isla showed well and were well placed behind the principal winners so no disgrace. Thank you to our judge , breed specialist, Mr. Allan Stephenson (Mariquita)

19.3.16: Bootle , Crosby & S. Liverpool CS

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW: 1st AVNSC Junior, Best AVNSC Pastoral and G1

Delighted with Hal's performance ;many thanks to our judge for today Mrs. Hilary Norbury.

13.3.16: CRUFTS

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan: 1st Post Grad

What a super day we had at Crufts. Not only did Isla win her class of quality bitches , she coped with the oppressive atmosphere that can only be Crufts. Wandering around the stalls can't be easy when you are ankle height but nothing phased her and she weaved her way through like an old hand. So proud of her. Badger had to remain at home at we had 4 Beardies in season so his mind was not exactly on the showring! Many thanks to our judge Mrs. Moira Barrass ( Gallondean) for thinking so highly of our little Isla.

Ashton -in -Makerfield: 5.3.16

Kilfinan Prince Hal : 1st Junior, BOB & G1

Glorfindel Shadow Wings at Kilfinan : 1st AVNSC P. Grad & 1st Open Stakes

Had a lovely day with good friends at this show which is held in St. Helens in a really good sized Leisure Centre. Delighted with both Isla and Hal , they both went so well and Isla won £10. Good day! Our judges were: Roy Brandon ( Lornaville) judging Pastoral breed and Group , Nicola Spencer (Bannonbrig)  judging AVNSC Terrier and Jill Holgate (Navadin) judging Stakes . Many thanks to them all.

24.1.16 : Ashton Under Lyne Open Show

Kilfinan Prince Hal : 1st PG and Open , BOB and G3

Had a lovely day with good friends. Thanks to  breed judge Mr. Tan Nagrecha ( Chandlimore) and Group judge Cath Hebbron ( Kyleca).

7.1.16: Boston Ch. Show

Kilfinan Country LadyJW ShCM : 1st Limit

Kilfnan Country Bracken : Res Open

Kilfinan Country Shadow at Elemark : Res. Open

Kilfinan Country Knight Sh CM: VHC Open

Long wet drive to Boston across country but at least it only took 31/2 hrs. some poor souls had a 4-5 hr journey from the Midlands due to an accident on the M6! For once we made the right decision about the route and all the dogs performed well; we could ask for no more. Our judge today was breed specialist Mr. Alan Hood ( Bryonyhill).

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